here is a recent email i recieved, consider this a bug in your ear.
Hello everyone, I am sending this out to all the creative people I know.I am planning a juried group show for December 08, below is the "Call for Entries". I am trying to caste a wide net, so hopefully we will get lots of diverse works and ideas.and thanks again to everyone for participating in my events, there are all successes because of you...
Robert Antreasian410-235-4420 at the Antreasian Gallery:
Call For Entries
American Culture Seeking artistic expressions of our American cultural diversity: whether you are American first, or Ethnic first, all artists in all media are invited to submit artworks that reflect their ethnicity and cultural roots.
Central American, European, Asian, Indian, Native American, Pacific, African American, Hispanic, Caribbean, Middle Eastern.
Juried by Towson University Md. Head of the Painting Department Nora Sturges
Exhibit dates are Dec 10th to January 22, 2009. An opening reception will be held on Dec. 12th 2008. The submission deadline is
November 8th, 2008. Artists may submit up to five images for consideration.Maximum artwork dimension is 36 inches by 44 inches.All work must be ready to hung or be displayed A non-refundable submission fee of $25 must be mailed to the mentioned gallery address.Send digital images via email to: orMail to: Antreasian Gallery 1111 W. 36th St. Baltimore, MD 21211All Artist must pay their own S&H expenses to and from the gallery.The Antreasian Gallery’s commission on sold artwork is 40%.Please include: - Personal information: name, resume, bio, artist’s statement- Address, phone, email- Title of work, size, medium, & retail priceIf you have any questions please email me at or call 410-235-4420