Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Our January Projects...finally.

There is something greater than ourselves that we can not fathom
It’s a clock that runs without winding
A meaning to brilliant to even imagine
Yet we are granted instances were just a glimpse into each other we can begin seeing the plan coming together.
~ John Morgan

here are a few of our projects from our latest and greatest art nite (January).
what a great way to start out '09'er.
thank you donna for great place to have art nite. i love your new digs and couldn't be happier for you!
I hope you all have been well and happy.
can't wait to see you all again, the next art night is literally right around the corner.
{see details in the last blog} and if you are literally that lazy the topics are elements and letter

Friday, January 16, 2009

february art nite!

here are our topics for the next art nite.
DATE: February 6th
TIME: 7ish
PLACE: 620 E. Philadelphia St. YORK, pa
BRING: a project! perhaps some food and/or beverage

hope to see everyone there!
stand by...should have the January post and projects up momentarily.
but thought it wise to let everyone know whats in the hopper for next month.
be good everyone,

Monday, January 12, 2009