March Artnite
Topics: Optical Illusion & Bottled
Date: March 12th (Friday)
Time: 7:30ish
Place: Ketti & Ians
Bring: Art project, food and or bev and don't forget your giggle box (or whatever you call yours)
who is excited for the next artnite? i freaking am! it feels like eons ago in a land far far away we were all together sharing, laughing and feeling good. Well its about that time again, and this time come wind, rain or snow (or prior engagements) artnite will live on.
I took it upon myself to set a date and place seeing that I wasn't part of all that business last artnite. So my fingers + toes are crossed hoping it all works for everyone. I miss you all, so try as hard as you can to make it. I have some fun "stuff" i'm planning (in my head for now) but i'm sure it will come to life.
see you all before you know it.
be good,