Tuesday, August 17, 2010

September...for real? Topics.

well its for realll.
September is HERE!

Topics!: Pop! and Angles
Place: Maewyns Irish Pub. (follow that link for all the info you can handle on Maewyns)
Date: Friday September 10 (Please note the date switch'aroo)
Time: 7ish
Bring: projects.

kinda dug the public venture last time, thats why we're headed for the irish pub! ey!

projects august 2010

Here are some goodies from August artnite! Sorry not all the photos made the cut due to the ole 3G and a dark room (no flash up in here)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

August Artnite

August Artnite...right around the corner (literally)
Topics: Lace, Precious Metals, Wet
Date: August 14th
Place: Bistro 19 (York, PA)
Time: 6:30ish
Bring: project!

Feel like its been awhile, can't wait to see you!