Wednesday, June 23, 2010

July artnite...

So, the scoop for July!
Topics: "Slacker" & ..."(*^#*U#*(E@/blue)"
Where: 620 E. Philadelphia St. York, PA 17403
When: Saturday, July 10th
Time: 6:30ish
Bring: projects...i can't wait!


Just a couple pics from June artnite.

Friday, June 4, 2010

June artnite!!!

yeah, so i'm pretty sure you thought I forgot about you.
nope, just got a little caught up in the hazy crazy lazy days of pre-summer.

...and lost this months topics TWICE!

date: Saturday June 12th
place: Debbie's (Melissa's mom) farm 12637 Mt. Olivet Road, Felton PA 17322
time: 6ish
bring: art project, food/drink....and this time, bring something funny i could use a good laugh :)
no i'm kidding you don't have to. (but if you have a rubber chicken laying around grab it)

alll right so "the next step" and "progress" are the topics
aaaaand go!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Chris Jordan...consumption

(closeup - this depicts ten thousand dog and cat collars, equal to the average number of unwanted dogs and cats euthanized in the United States every day.)

American consumerism at its finest...
this guy is a new favorite. His work is pretty rediculous. (in the best possible way)
do me a favor and check out the "Running the Numbers" pieces and dont forget to take the time to read up and take it all in.